News: International Guitar Festival comes to Adelaide
Hon MIKE RANN MP, Premier
Minister for Economic Development
Minister for Social Inclusion
Minister for the Arts
Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change
Contact details
July 9, 2006
Adelaide has won a new prestigious annual international arts event – a guitar festival inspired and assisted by the New York Guitar Festival.
Premier and Arts Minister Mike Rann says securing this annual two-week event is as part of the Adelaide Festival Centre’s commitment to a bolder, more extensive program of festivals, events, performance and activities under the leadership of the Centre’s new CEO, Douglas Gautier.
The first Adelaide International Guitar Festival, expected to attract world-wide audience, will be held at the Adelaide Festival Centre in Adelaide in November 2007.
“The guitar is one of the world’s most recognised, accessible and identifiable instruments in the world,” Mr Rann said.
“This new annual event will feature performances by local, national and international artists across a variety of genres including rock n roll, classical, Spanish, blues, roots and jazz and experimental.
“It will expand the public appreciation for the guitar as well as foster young and emerging Australian talent. The program will also include artist forums, a visual arts component and an artist in residence throughout the festival.
“The Festival will feature the curatorial expertise of David Spelman, Artistic Director and Co-Founder of the New York Guitar Festival, an event considered one of the most high calibre and respected specialist guitar festivals of its kind in the world.
“This year’s New York Guitar Festival featured Pepe Romero, Daniel Lanois, Jorma Kaukonen, Bill Frisell, Sonny Landreth, Cindy Cashdollar, Taj Mahal, and surprise guests Bruce Springsteen and Emmylou Harris.
“I met with Mr Spelman in New York in April to discuss plans to bring the festival to Adelaide,” Mr Rann said.
Mr Gautier said this new festival epitomises what the Adelaide Festival Centre is all about.
“This is about supporting innovative collaborations between outstanding international and local artists, facilitating new and exclusive works and artistic partnerships and developing new audiences,” said Mr Gautier.
Mr Spelman said he was thrilled that Adelaide would be holding this new international festival.
“There may be people who call New York City the centre of the cultural universe, but I believe Adelaide is one of the most intellectually dynamic and artistically sophisticated communities I've ever visited,” Mr Spelman said.
“The people of South Australia have a wonderful appetite and openness to art and new ideas. The success of Womadelaide and the Thinkers in Residence program are two great examples of what I think is possible in this community.
"It's my hope that this festival will tell the story of the guitar itself - where it originated, what countries it has visited, which genres it has impacted, and, to some degree, where it is heading.
“The story of the guitar is far too complex and interesting to tell in just 10 days, but this will be a wonderful start,” Mr Spelman said.
Singer-songwriter Jeff Lang, described by Rolling Stone as “Australia’s best roots-music artisan" will feature at the new Adelaide International Guitar Festival. Jeff has just returned from a two and a half month world tour including 24 dates with Jon Butler in the United States, as well as headlining shows in Arts Centres across the UK and showcases through Belgium, France and Ireland. He will be releasing a new album 'Dislocation Blues' through ABC in August.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Blade's Dahl recipe
Blade's Kickarse Dhal
adapted from a recipe in Charmaine Solomon's Complete Vegetarian Cookbook
This recipe uses red lentils which don't need soaking like some other varieties - so excellent for those of us who aren't organised enough to think about dinner the night before.
1 cup (6 oz) dried red lentils
1 1/2 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter) or oil - I usually use canola oil
1 large onion, finely sliced - this usually ends up either being sliced or chopped depending on whether I remember the recipe doesn't say dice
1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic - or to taste, I probably use about twice this amount ... coz I like garlic
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger - or chopped because I like my fingers un-grated, plus see above comment about garlic
1/2 teaspoon turmeric - again, I use at least twice this amount ... a few good shakes with the widest 'mouth' shaker so everything starts getting a lovely dark yellow colour
3 cups (24 fl oz) hot water
salt, to taste
garam masala, to taste - recipe says 1/2 teaspoon but I probably put at least 2 teaspoons or more in because, after having had dhal at a Northern Indian style food establishment, I am of the opinion that dhal should be a much darker brown than the 1/2 teaspoon produces
Blade's additional ingredients:
enough of a hard vegetable for the number of people you're serving, chopped into approx 2 - 3 cm cubes - potato and sweet potato/kumera have proved excellent, haven't tried pumpkin yet
broccoli sufficient for the number of people you're serving, cut into smallish florets
any other veggies you feel like!
n.b. your choice of saucepan will need to consider the volume of water as well as the lentils and other ingredients - better to go too big than too small!
Wash lentils thorougly, removing any bits that float on the surface of the water. Drain well. Heat ghee or oil in a saucepan and fry onion, garlic and ginger until onion is golden. Add turmeric and stir well. Mix in drained lentils and fry for 1 - 2 mins. Add hot water, bring to the boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
Cover and simmer for 15 - 20 mins or until lentils are half cooked (what does a half baked cooked lentil look like?? I hear you cry - 20 mins is probably the go if you've got it on a nice slow simmer). Add salt and garam masala, mix well (and carefully - it can spit at you) and continue cooking. Throw your hard vegetable about this point so it gets a chance to cook through while the lentils are still cooking. Cook until the lentils are soft and about the consistency of porridge and your hard vegetable passes the fork test. If you've ended up with too much liquid, leave the lid off to allow evaporation. Chuck the broccoli (and other veggies) in a microwave dish and nuke until the equivalent of lightly steamed. Throw the lot in and mix well.
Goes well with rice, naan, pappadums, as a side dish or as a meal on its own. I usually make double the quantity above (2 cups lentils, 6 cups water) and it makes a decent amount of leftovers. It reheats spectacularly well and like many curries and stews, can even improve the next day or after freezing.
adapted from a recipe in Charmaine Solomon's Complete Vegetarian Cookbook
This recipe uses red lentils which don't need soaking like some other varieties - so excellent for those of us who aren't organised enough to think about dinner the night before.
1 cup (6 oz) dried red lentils
1 1/2 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter) or oil - I usually use canola oil
1 large onion, finely sliced - this usually ends up either being sliced or chopped depending on whether I remember the recipe doesn't say dice
1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic - or to taste, I probably use about twice this amount ... coz I like garlic
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger - or chopped because I like my fingers un-grated, plus see above comment about garlic
1/2 teaspoon turmeric - again, I use at least twice this amount ... a few good shakes with the widest 'mouth' shaker so everything starts getting a lovely dark yellow colour
3 cups (24 fl oz) hot water
salt, to taste
garam masala, to taste - recipe says 1/2 teaspoon but I probably put at least 2 teaspoons or more in because, after having had dhal at a Northern Indian style food establishment, I am of the opinion that dhal should be a much darker brown than the 1/2 teaspoon produces
Blade's additional ingredients:
enough of a hard vegetable for the number of people you're serving, chopped into approx 2 - 3 cm cubes - potato and sweet potato/kumera have proved excellent, haven't tried pumpkin yet
broccoli sufficient for the number of people you're serving, cut into smallish florets
any other veggies you feel like!
n.b. your choice of saucepan will need to consider the volume of water as well as the lentils and other ingredients - better to go too big than too small!
Wash lentils thorougly, removing any bits that float on the surface of the water. Drain well. Heat ghee or oil in a saucepan and fry onion, garlic and ginger until onion is golden. Add turmeric and stir well. Mix in drained lentils and fry for 1 - 2 mins. Add hot water, bring to the boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
Cover and simmer for 15 - 20 mins or until lentils are half cooked (what does a half baked cooked lentil look like?? I hear you cry - 20 mins is probably the go if you've got it on a nice slow simmer). Add salt and garam masala, mix well (and carefully - it can spit at you) and continue cooking. Throw your hard vegetable about this point so it gets a chance to cook through while the lentils are still cooking. Cook until the lentils are soft and about the consistency of porridge and your hard vegetable passes the fork test. If you've ended up with too much liquid, leave the lid off to allow evaporation. Chuck the broccoli (and other veggies) in a microwave dish and nuke until the equivalent of lightly steamed. Throw the lot in and mix well.
Goes well with rice, naan, pappadums, as a side dish or as a meal on its own. I usually make double the quantity above (2 cups lentils, 6 cups water) and it makes a decent amount of leftovers. It reheats spectacularly well and like many curries and stews, can even improve the next day or after freezing.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
head down and studying
well , its a day for focusing on study today.
I have a negotiation report to finsh writing and prepartion for the exam for Crime, Law and Trauma.
I've deceided to focus on four areas for the exam preparation.
Oscar Wilde, The Wanasee Propsal, Trauma's of misrecognition and fourthly the death penalty.
I have a negotiation report to finsh writing and prepartion for the exam for Crime, Law and Trauma.
I've deceided to focus on four areas for the exam preparation.
Oscar Wilde, The Wanasee Propsal, Trauma's of misrecognition and fourthly the death penalty.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Home at last
Friday, October 27, 2006
civil procedure exam preparation
Costs - Agreements as to costs - agreement between solicitor and client - costs payable on time basis - setting aside agreement - fairness - reasonableness Kasmeridis & anor v McNamara Business & Property Law [2006] SASC 200 Supreme Court, Lunn J, 11 July 2006
Costs - Basis of costs - client and solicitor - offer not accepted - costs to reflect success of claim Abi-Mosleh & Abi-Mosleh v Fantis & ors (No 2) [2006] SADC 89 District Court, Anderson DCJ, 11 August 2006
Costs - Basis of costs - co-defendants - successful application for contribution - agreements as to cost - offer - compliance with rules of court Flinders Diamonds Ltd v Tiger International Resources Inc & ors (No 2) [2006] SASC 180 Supreme Court, Layton J, 21 June 2006
Costs - Basis of costs - plaintiff successful in action but not on all issues pleaded - costs awarded on party and party basis Adam v Perpetual Trustees Australia Ltd & ors (No 2) [2006] SADC 90 District Court, Beazley DCJ, 9 August 2006
Costs - Basis of costs - solicitor and client - Calderbank offer refused - costs set off to reflect success on claim Construction Services Australia v Fleming & Fleming (No 2) [2006] SADC 85 District Court, Anderson DCJ, 3 August 2006
Costs - Condition of setting aside default judgment - whether order should be made to make costs payable immediately Push Button P/L v Khabbaz [2006] SADC 83 District Court, Smith DCJ, 28 July 2006
- top -
Costs - Consideration of question of costs in relation to an application for charging and Mareva orders - costs recoverable forthwith McNamara Business & Property Law v Kasmeridis (No 3) [2006] SASC 262 Supreme Court, Gray J, 24 August 2006
Costs - Consideration of question of costs of appeal - no order as to costs of appeal or application for leave to appeal Morgan Belle P/L v API Services (Vic) P/L (No 2) [2006] SASC 259 Supreme Court, Gray J, 23 August 2006
Costs - Departure from general rule - indemnity costs - payment of taxed costs forthwith Haselgrove Wines P/L v Hope & anor [2006] SADC 84 District Court, Lovell DCJ, 31 July 2006
Costs - General matters - cost for application for leave to appeal against interlocutory order - when payable - short and long form bills of costs - setting aside of default allocatur Baronglow P/L v Willing & anor [2006] SASC 140 Supreme Court, Lunn J, 15 May 2006
Costs - Interest - lump sum fixed - interest to take effect from date fixed by court Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Clark (No 2) [2006] SADC 107 District Court, Anderson DCJ, 13 September 2006
Costs - Interest - several actions - one all-encompassing order on interest appropriate Catalano v Zollo [2006] SADC 125 District Court, Tilmouth DCJ, 11 October 2006
Costs - Interlocutory proceedings - short form bill of costs set aside Duke Group Ltd (in liquidation) v Alamain Investments Ltd & ors [2006] SASC 209 Supreme Court, White J, 3 July 2006
Costs - Recovery of costs - whether Master should have set aside a default allocatur issued with respect to a long form bill of costs Baronglow P/L v Willing & anor [2006] SASC 291 Supreme Court, Perry J, 21 September 2006
Costs - Security for costs - existence of special circumstances - appellant company impecunious - inadequate disclosure of financial position J M Properties P/L v Strata Corporation No 13975 Inc & ors [2006] SASC 227 Supreme Court, Layton J, 2 August 2006
Costs - Security for costs - whether impecuniosity of appellant sufficient to constitute special circumstances McVicar v S & J White P/L (t/as Arab Steed Hotel) [2006] SASC 233 Supreme Court, White J, 4 August 2006
Costs - Basis of costs - client and solicitor - offer not accepted - costs to reflect success of claim Abi-Mosleh & Abi-Mosleh v Fantis & ors (No 2) [2006] SADC 89 District Court, Anderson DCJ, 11 August 2006
Costs - Basis of costs - co-defendants - successful application for contribution - agreements as to cost - offer - compliance with rules of court Flinders Diamonds Ltd v Tiger International Resources Inc & ors (No 2) [2006] SASC 180 Supreme Court, Layton J, 21 June 2006
Costs - Basis of costs - plaintiff successful in action but not on all issues pleaded - costs awarded on party and party basis Adam v Perpetual Trustees Australia Ltd & ors (No 2) [2006] SADC 90 District Court, Beazley DCJ, 9 August 2006
Costs - Basis of costs - solicitor and client - Calderbank offer refused - costs set off to reflect success on claim Construction Services Australia v Fleming & Fleming (No 2) [2006] SADC 85 District Court, Anderson DCJ, 3 August 2006
Costs - Condition of setting aside default judgment - whether order should be made to make costs payable immediately Push Button P/L v Khabbaz [2006] SADC 83 District Court, Smith DCJ, 28 July 2006
- top -
Costs - Consideration of question of costs in relation to an application for charging and Mareva orders - costs recoverable forthwith McNamara Business & Property Law v Kasmeridis (No 3) [2006] SASC 262 Supreme Court, Gray J, 24 August 2006
Costs - Consideration of question of costs of appeal - no order as to costs of appeal or application for leave to appeal Morgan Belle P/L v API Services (Vic) P/L (No 2) [2006] SASC 259 Supreme Court, Gray J, 23 August 2006
Costs - Departure from general rule - indemnity costs - payment of taxed costs forthwith Haselgrove Wines P/L v Hope & anor [2006] SADC 84 District Court, Lovell DCJ, 31 July 2006
Costs - General matters - cost for application for leave to appeal against interlocutory order - when payable - short and long form bills of costs - setting aside of default allocatur Baronglow P/L v Willing & anor [2006] SASC 140 Supreme Court, Lunn J, 15 May 2006
Costs - Interest - lump sum fixed - interest to take effect from date fixed by court Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Clark (No 2) [2006] SADC 107 District Court, Anderson DCJ, 13 September 2006
Costs - Interest - several actions - one all-encompassing order on interest appropriate Catalano v Zollo [2006] SADC 125 District Court, Tilmouth DCJ, 11 October 2006
Costs - Interlocutory proceedings - short form bill of costs set aside Duke Group Ltd (in liquidation) v Alamain Investments Ltd & ors [2006] SASC 209 Supreme Court, White J, 3 July 2006
Costs - Recovery of costs - whether Master should have set aside a default allocatur issued with respect to a long form bill of costs Baronglow P/L v Willing & anor [2006] SASC 291 Supreme Court, Perry J, 21 September 2006
Costs - Security for costs - existence of special circumstances - appellant company impecunious - inadequate disclosure of financial position J M Properties P/L v Strata Corporation No 13975 Inc & ors [2006] SASC 227 Supreme Court, Layton J, 2 August 2006
Costs - Security for costs - whether impecuniosity of appellant sufficient to constitute special circumstances McVicar v S & J White P/L (t/as Arab Steed Hotel) [2006] SASC 233 Supreme Court, White J, 4 August 2006
the white spave phenomena
well i dont know what's happened but there is definitelywhite space on the site
Thursday, October 26, 2006

may all embrace their birthright to live their lide with dignity
Intersex Solidarity Day November 8th
Nov 8, '06Press Release - Please circulate widely From: The Organisation Intersex International Subject: Intersex Solidarity Day November 8 Herculine Barbin’s Birthday The Organisation Intersex International would like to invite you to join us in commemorating November 8 as Intersex Solidarity Day. All human rights organizations, feminist allies, academics and gender specialists, as well as other groups and individuals interested in intersex human rights, are invited to show their solidarity by organizing workshops, lectures, discussions and other activities which deal with any or all of the following topics: a) the life of Herculine Barbin b) intersex genital mutilation c) the violence of the binary sex and gender system d) the sexism implicit within the binary construct of sex and gender Please show your solidarity with the intersex community. Intersex rights are humans rights. Express your solidarity with the Intersex Community by signing the following OII petition against pathologizing intersex:
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
mr procrastination today

Well I have been off track with the study routine today and have been working on recordings of my guitar music Ive been trying to upload it to the internet.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
life is full of endeavour
well, there is much to endeavour to do
My father has been in hospital for months and is finally on the verge of comming home, and at the same time I am deeep in the assignment backwaters and doing little exam preparation.
four assignments and two exams to go!!! and counting.
My father has been in hospital for months and is finally on the verge of comming home, and at the same time I am deeep in the assignment backwaters and doing little exam preparation.
four assignments and two exams to go!!! and counting.
Monday, September 25, 2006
an ambulatory pace
Well, it feels like the world is going at one hundred miles an hour and at the same time the most i can muster is a walking pace.
My Father is still unwell and I am spending more time thinking about him than i am on my studies.
this problem is compounded by the side effect of medications that are causing akasthesia....gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
My Father is still unwell and I am spending more time thinking about him than i am on my studies.
this problem is compounded by the side effect of medications that are causing akasthesia....gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thursday, July 27, 2006
blue sky outside, chaos inside
The turmoils ,trials and tribulations of life. A comment from my loving father as he lies in HDU at the hospital
as i approach the law subject , crime trauma and the law i feel that i am caught in the trauma of life.
as i approach the law subject , crime trauma and the law i feel that i am caught in the trauma of life.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Law school bench press
Well I am embarking on my endeavour to get fit and health. Ive come to realise the carting a heft civil litigation pile of text books up and down the hill at flinders uni has not been working and its time for drastic mearures, Ive now ventured into the gym at adelaide university twice and have the ambition of losing weight and gaining a six pack.
the aim is to visit three times a week.
meanwhile i have to maintain the study routine that i got into last semester but with a few more subjects this time.
I'm not good when it comes to politics, I have had some traumatics experiences with getting law reform through parliement so it is somewhat surprising to some that i have enrolled in a subject called "regulating plolitics"
time will telll whether this is a good thing or not.
Civil Litigation will continue in second semester and i have decided to have a go at studying international law too.
so the law book weight lifting is set to continue.
the aim is to visit three times a week.
meanwhile i have to maintain the study routine that i got into last semester but with a few more subjects this time.
I'm not good when it comes to politics, I have had some traumatics experiences with getting law reform through parliement so it is somewhat surprising to some that i have enrolled in a subject called "regulating plolitics"
time will telll whether this is a good thing or not.
Civil Litigation will continue in second semester and i have decided to have a go at studying international law too.
so the law book weight lifting is set to continue.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
it came, it went , and now I wait
Yes the exam is over and now i wait to find out if i passed. I'm now on university holidays which is the first time ive had a break from study in a few years as i usually am writing work over the holidays.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
less than 24 hrs to go
well today i have slept in after a heavy revision load. I must remember to set the alarm so i wake up intime to catch the bus to the exam.
Today I am revising summary disposal and discontinuance of litigation, and even though i have done the reading before i feel like I am comming to it for the first time.
Today I am revising summary disposal and discontinuance of litigation, and even though i have done the reading before i feel like I am comming to it for the first time.
Monday, June 19, 2006
football, meatpies kangaroos and holden cars
Yes it's only two days until my civil litigation exam, and I am stretching to find ways to make the revision interesting.
as I ponder two quotes from the Managing Justice Report.
"Legal system reform is frequently chracterised as a policy choice between individualised, Roll's Royce justice, on the one hand affordable, robust, high volume 'Holden' justice on the other."
and a quote from the respected Hon. Justice Michael Kirby.
" A lawyer from Dickens' time, walking out of Bleak House into a modern Australian court on an ordinary day would see relatively few changes. Same wigs and robes. Same elevated Bench and sitting times. Very similar procedure of calling of evidence and presenting argument. Longer judgments: but still the same structure of facts, law and conclusion."
while with great respect to the Hon Justice Kirby I am of the optimistic view that the picture of Australian Civil Justice systems is not as " Bleak" as he purports in this statement and that the current day courts have made considerable headway towards getting their " House" in order.
the increasing use of expert witnesses, and court managed case flow management are steps in a direction towards a system that provides for the average driver of the "holden "
on the negative side are the number of unrepresented litigants and the cost and delay of the system.
what of access to justice?
does the national code of courts at state and federal level provide an even playing field that enables acess to fariness justice and the infamous "truth".
The Australian rules are changing and the players on the field need to adapt to meet the changing emphasis on dipspute resolution.
As David Bamford said at the start of the semester, these are exciting times of change in Civil Litigation
as I ponder two quotes from the Managing Justice Report.
"Legal system reform is frequently chracterised as a policy choice between individualised, Roll's Royce justice, on the one hand affordable, robust, high volume 'Holden' justice on the other."
and a quote from the respected Hon. Justice Michael Kirby.
" A lawyer from Dickens' time, walking out of Bleak House into a modern Australian court on an ordinary day would see relatively few changes. Same wigs and robes. Same elevated Bench and sitting times. Very similar procedure of calling of evidence and presenting argument. Longer judgments: but still the same structure of facts, law and conclusion."
while with great respect to the Hon Justice Kirby I am of the optimistic view that the picture of Australian Civil Justice systems is not as " Bleak" as he purports in this statement and that the current day courts have made considerable headway towards getting their " House" in order.
the increasing use of expert witnesses, and court managed case flow management are steps in a direction towards a system that provides for the average driver of the "holden "
on the negative side are the number of unrepresented litigants and the cost and delay of the system.
what of access to justice?
does the national code of courts at state and federal level provide an even playing field that enables acess to fariness justice and the infamous "truth".
The Australian rules are changing and the players on the field need to adapt to meet the changing emphasis on dipspute resolution.
As David Bamford said at the start of the semester, these are exciting times of change in Civil Litigation
Sunday, June 18, 2006
exams approaching
Well here it is three days before my end of semester exams and ive been in the library studying with the occassional spurt of surfing.
Ive managed to complete my assignments thus far and handed in my case file - hopefully i will get an NGP for it and not have to resubmit it.
Ive managed to complete my assignments thus far and handed in my case file - hopefully i will get an NGP for it and not have to resubmit it.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Making slow progress on the perpetual studies- Ive been unwell and have to withdraw from Trusts and assignments. In the mean time here is an interseting blog |
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
the date is set
The date for my intellectual property law exam has been set. February the 1st in the morning. So until then I need to focus on studying ip law. |
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Examining the Season
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